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Libyan rebels have repelled attacks on port the city of Brega for the second day in a row. “The (oil) terminals are in the hands of the people.” says Jabil (name changed).

This afternoon, I called Jabil, head of a shipping company that uses the port in Brega to ship oil and other products to Europe. We spoke for a few minutes via his mobile phone while he was out and about in Benghazi. From the background noise, there was still a celebratory feel in the air. The latest celebration has come from rebels in Brega repelling a second attack in two days from pro-Ghadafi forces.

This is a very short interview but I will call him again in a few days, if possible, with more questions.

I heard there were more bombings today in Brega, is this true?

Yes, there have been a couple bombs. Only a couple cars on fire.

Can you tell me the latest news on Brega?

The airport is in the hands of the people. The army has left and gone to other cities, some to the south. The oil terminals are in the hands of the people.


Can you tell me about the new transistional government in Benghazi?

We are not negotiating with Ghadafi. He must go.


Is Libya in the midst of civil war?

There is no such thing as civil war here. The people are united. There are no tribal problems. We are united against Ghadafi. He must go.


Who is the leader of Libya in this new transitional government?

There is no leader. This is done by committee. Jalil is transition leader,  he is not permanent.


What would you like to see America do?


From the beginning, the American government was very hesitant to support us. We would like to see America put pressure on our neighboring countries. It should be unacceptable that our neighbors like Algeria are sending mercenaries to help Ghadaffi.


Our connection grew worse and I let Jabil go. I have followed up with an email and more questions. If and when he replies, I will add his answers to this interview.